Monday, 5 September 2011



Lumen, which can both refer to a central space of a biological vessel such as an artery, or to the measurement of the power of light perceived by the eye, becomes an appropriate title for this outdoor work that can only take shape upon the movement of the viewer through the close and the power of the sunlight. Created from work by local schoolchildren at CastlehillPrimary School, who were asked to make drawings or writings in response to what makes Cupar special to them, this artwork is drawn directly onto the walls of the close leading to the courtyard of the old school on Millgate in light- sensitive transparent ink. Solar-powered lights installed in the close will gradually reveal the invisible drawings as viewers move in and out of the passageway, creating a sense of purpose during the journey and a space for refelection. An associated exhibition of the children’s drawings can be found at Cupar YMCA.