Sunday, 23 February 2014


Loosing a soul mate is indescribable. The numbness takes over especially when it feel like you have lost your soulmate three times in fifteen months with every diagnosis and finally death. How to grieve again? how to keep him alive? How to still maintain a communicative line with him? Every thing seems to shut up, as I said from my point of view, even art... Only faith whispers...

I am proud that I have known Simon for the last 8 years. I am so lucky to have shared snippets of his life in times where both of us had to pretend otherwise, but in a way it did not matter because we knew in our hearts what did matter.

Simon will be the driving force behind my future actions, I am not sure why i am sharing this on my blog. In a way I sometimes feel when people share stuff on facebook or twitter it seems that the actual experience is not enough for them, they need confirmation or likes from others. 
As most of the other stuff in this blog I write and post mostly to myself to keep my mind remembering and noting dates and events that form my next choice my next project my next art impulse.

What I share here today is a pledge to Simon directly of how much I know that he loved me and I love you for all the rest of the days.