Tuesday, 21 October 2014


Stratum, Residuum and Depositum have become three different works that remove paint from its usual utilitarian aesthetic prospect to its plain material aspect. In Stratum paint is literally removed in a process that strips the visual meaning of the represented while simultaneously focusing the attention on itself. In Residuum paint is subjectified and reconsidered through its quantitative measures. In Depositum  paint becomes the object it usually hides and is reconsidered as an entity in itself. All three works are removed from the norm that has bound paint to aesthetic and yet how the work unfold, create a new aesthetic of their own, unintended, unplanned, yet allowed.

When considering the other works by the artist, these three works stand close together not just in their common subject of enquiry, i.e. paint. But more so because each work provides a side that is intentionally left untackled by the rest.

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